
Idem is one of the infinite and possible staging of the truth between four human beings. We shape the multitudes that pass through them by presenting group iconographies and morphologies of personal identities through continuous migrations of spaces, places and personalities.

Idem is a dance of forms and expressions, attitudes and attitudes that continuously run through the bodies and faces of the performers. The movement implodes within them without ever finding a way out.

Idem is a vibration of a body and more bodies, of a name and its absence. Tarantolate creatures that scream their being a thousand in one and find identity and sharing in the compulsiveness of relationship.

Idem is made of senses with which thought identifies, of anxieties, pleasures and fears. Of a thousand births, little deaths and one final resurrection.

The characters never resemble themselves because they continually draw on the past and simultaneously hallucinate the present, being unable to but return dystopian and unresolved forms.
Their conditioned memory reveals a stage reality that reflects as in deforming mirrors, a multitude of their "selves," multiplied in turn in a kaleidoscopic game of massacre and rebirth. They cannot tragically do without each other because they are "Idem": the same thing.

With this performance we would like to give free space for a free form to these voices in a liquid and continuous flow of "identities" that sprout, blossom and intersect taking contour and content for a visionary ballad metaphor of living.


IO È UN ALTRO    (2022-2023-2024)

Three-year project on the concept of 'identity

"...I want to be a poet, a seer. It is about arriving at the unknown through the unruliness of all the senses...It is false to say "I think," one should say "I am thought of." Excuse the pun: I is another"

Seer's Letter. A.Rimbaud

We understand "identity" as that set of characteristics that make a person unique and unrepeatable in his perception of himself and others. Either as a continuous or intermittent entity in time (duration), or as a creature free in the acceptance of its psychological and morphological sensuality (not always coinciding).

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